
A satisfying, safe, economical and environmentally responsible explorer yacht must perform well over a range of wind-conditions and directions to:

  • allow for fast passages;
  • minimize motoring and fuel consumption;
  • be safe in heavy weather and challenging conditions.

Moving at a whisper and achieving dramatic top speeds is not important.

With decades of experience with off-shore racing and designing fast and successful off-shore racing boats, Owen-Clarke Design were in an ideal position to design and optimize Lynx.

Using VPP, various combinations of hull-shape, reinforcements and rigging were analyzed for a 6350 miles course from Western Europe to Montevideo using 3 years of November wind data.

As the results show, this passage could have been done very fast with a minimum time motoring.

Passage Time: 30 days 15 hours 15 minutes (735.5 hours)
Average Boat Speed: 8.64 Kts
Average Daily Run: >200 NM
Time under engine: 21.3 hours , 2.9%

Sail and Motor Usage
Considering the efficiency of the engines, fuel burn would be very modest

Assuming two hours per day of engine use total and a fuel consumption of 3l/hr for propulsion/power generation/watermaking and 2l/hr for power generation/watermaking and 1.5 l for power generation only, estimated fuel burn is as follows: