Comfort and Convenience
Over the last few decades, yachts have been getting ever bigger and more comfortable. Purists may disagree – after all, most of the cruising pioneers decades ago made do with rather spartan vessels – but comfort is important.
The average age of cruisers keeps increasing: It is much more difficult today to take a few years out of a busy career than it used to be. Leaving jobs and family behind may simply not be feasible. Many have to wait till retirement until they can afford to go cruising.
  • With age we want more comfort; why make do with less than accustomed from home.
  • We also need more comfort – as stamina and strength decrease, injuries take much longer to heal and health issues become more frequent and severe.
A comfortable and convenient yacht takes the sting out of these facts and supports a cruising life for years longer than a more spartan yacht would – or enables the cruising life in the first place: A partner who isn’t terribly keen on sailing will be much more inclined to come along and stay if the experience is pleasant and comfortable.
  • Being a seaworthy and a sea-kindly yacht with pilot house, fixed dodger, and the efficient rig and deck-layout, Lynx is comfortable and convenient by design and she has all the comforts of a well-appointed home.
Lynx is easy to heat up and to keep warm1:
  • 60 to 120 mm in wall and ceiling
  • 30 mm in floor
  • no cavities and cold bridges
  • safety and insulation glass for all inside areas
Multiple heating sources
  • Post marine heater with hot water (15kW) heat exchanger
  • heat exchangers off the engines
  • use of excess power from wind generators
Installation for comfort
  • heat exchangers allow quick heating up
  • surface heating to avoid unpleasantly cold surfaces: berths, shower, benches (pilot house, cockpit, navigation station)
Top quality appliances (mostly Miele) make housekeeping easy and convenient:
  • induction cooker
  • microwave/steamer/broiler/grill
  • oven
  • fridge
  • freezer
  • macerator
  • boiling water maker
  • washer/dryer
Sauna – properly designed, with top equipment and advise from EOS Saunatechnik GmbH and Rohol Saunaply
Water system that makes one forget not being in a regular house